Definition of stammer - Oxford Dictionaries. Definition of stalwart – Our online dictionary has stalwart. stall definition and meaning from table, compartment and farming topics by Oxford. Dictionary, Language resources. stall in other Oxford dictionaries. more stalwart meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym.
sir stalwart [dave duncan] definition | English definition dictionary.stalwart - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.. Subscribe to the Oxford Unabridged dictionary for more translations, meanings and. Or test your knowledge and have each page load with the definition hidden! hard core definition and meaning by Oxford University Press.. or movement: there is always a hard core of trusty stalwarts [ as modifier ] : a hard-core following. St. Thomas Aquinas, following Aristotle, defines love as "to will the good of another. ... is considered by most to be too stalwart a term for interpersonal love and is ... Oxford Illustrated American Dictionary (1998) + Merriam-Webster Collegiate.
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LOL, OMG, Added To The Oxford English Dictionary.
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loyal adjective - Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
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Definition of stamp - mechanics, mining and. - Oxford Dictionaries. Definition of stalwart – Our online dictionary has stalwart.